We Have Ghost! Ask Author L.B. Taylor

 L.B. Taylor, author of the Ghosts of Virginia series and Ghost of Williamsburg, featured our story of Mr. Homer Hines in his 15th installment of the Ghosts of Virginia series.  The 15th installment went to print in November of 2008, and yes, we have copies on our shelves.


Mr. Hines was the only principal in our historic building from 1947 to 1977.  Originally our building was known as Carver High School, but upon Mr. Hines retirement, it was renovated and renamed Homer Hines Middle School.  In the 1980s a new Homer Hines Middle School was built and this school changed names one more time before it became Crittenden Middle School. 


The library staff thinks Mr. Hines didn’t like the renaming of his building and would show his disagreement by knocking books on the floor every eveining after everyone went home.  We even have a picture of a ghost-like vision on a digital photo of L. B. Taylor when he was making an author visit in our auditorium.  The vision is so transparent, you can see Mrs. Mincey, our art teacher, in the audience.  It looks like Mr. Hines.   According to the Carver Alumni members,  he always wore a tie and the vision in the photo is wearing one.


If you want to know more about the ghost of Mr. Hines, come on down to the library and talk to us and/or check out the book and read the story!

 This is a picture of Mr. Hines.

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